Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Healthy Holiday Jeans - GRS and Levi's Team-Up

The buses that drop off Levi Strauss employees at the Cape Town factory have additional work every day this week.  After their traditional routes, the buses wind back through neighborhoods around the city to pick up the employees' children for a trip to the Football for Hope Center in Khayelitsha.

Constantly seeking new partnerships to expand its impact,  Grassroot Soccer designed a unique Skillz Holiday program for this diverse group of youth.  In addition to delivering the GRS HIV/AIDS curriculum, the camp will serve as an opportunity for the children of Levi Strauss factory workers to come together and experience the Khayelitsha community. 

The one-week camp builds on Levi’s commitment to the welfare and health of it’s factory workers and their families.  Levi’s was one of the first companies to return to South Africa after the apartheid era, and since then, have promoted HIV/AIDS awareness, education, and treatment to promote a healthy workplace environment. 

You can learn more about this exciting partnership by clicking here.